Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 66

Rockin those slim fits.

Monday was a holiday, so we had mom home for one more day.  We decided that we could separate the boys for a bit.  My wife took the youngest and I took the eldest.  The youngest seems to be awefully attached to his Daddy these days and won't let Mommy near him.  I think there are a few reasons for this.  First, I think it is his way of controlling his world and getting what he wants.  Pure preschool phych 101.  The second is that I think it is his way of letting his mom know that he is upset with her for traveling so often.  Finally, I think that he spends so much time with the old man, that I am like his security blanket.  All these factors put together make for an exhausting parental marathon on my end.  We needed to repair the mother/son bond between these two, so we all spent a fair amount of the day apart.  Early in the A.M., mother and son went to the grocery store to re-stock our shelves.  The eldest and I stayed behind to finish up our morning ritual and to enjoy a little quiet time away from the youngest.

When they returned, the eldest and I ran some errands.  Being a very fashion forward lad, I decided that I would take him along to assist me in broadening my wardrobe.  We had a very nice time updating my kit and came away with a nice pair or two of slim fit pants.  As it turns out, I can wear them now.  I knew that my old Jeans had outgrown me, but this is rediculous.  Either way, I like the new style and hope that my waistline maintains its current girth or these babies ain't gonna fit for long.  The purchase has now convinced me that I too will soon be carrying some form of man purse.  There just isn't anyway I am going to fit my wallet, phone and keys in the pocket of these pants.  When in Rome, right?

After the clothing expedition, we stopped by the garden store to pick up some supplies to continue our revamp of the back yard.  It has come a long way in the past several weeks, but it still has a long way to go before I will be hosting any BBQ gatherings.  When finally we returned from our errands, I was pleased to find my wife and my youngest at play in our playroom, once again best of friends.  The remainder of the day was spent wrecking the inside of the house in favor of tending to our garden affairs.  Tomorrow will be a long day of recovery for the inside of the home.  It is a mess indeed.  We intended another trip to the park, but foul weather rolled back in and the threat of a thunderstorm once again kept us at home.

This too marks the last day of their Easter Break.  It is back to school tomorrow, and I for one am glad.  I need to have a bit of structure back in my life.  It has been a grand holiday, but all good things must come to an end.  Soon enough we will be back on Holiday, so for now I am going to enjoy some peace and quiet.  With the children bathed and ready for their appointed bedtime, the wife and I decided it would be a good time to crack a bottle of wine and start wallpapering the older boy's bedroom.  Thankfully the consumption of alcohol eased the pain of this aweful task.  Scavenging all the necessary supplies from Madame Chabou's garage, it was soon apparent that the paste was too old and we were too late in the eveing for me to give a damn about the project.  Hanging but two runs of paper, a couple of things were clear to me.  First, prepasted wallpaper is the ONLY way to go, and second, I suck at hanging wallpaper.  Perhaps the learning curve is steeper than I had anticipated.  The first two pieces look like Ray Charles hung them.  More than that, it looks as though he was being assisted by Stevie Wonder.  With paste everywhere but on the paper, I decided it was time to call it quits for the day and we headed for bed.  The bed proved to be quite crowded as our eldest son would serve as the cream filling in a Mom, Son, Dad Oreo arrangement on our thankfully King sized bed.  The close quarters was worsened by my Son's usual bed partner, one 735 lb pug . . . STUPID DOG.  I would toss and turn for most of the evening in an attempt to sleep to the three part harmony of my wife and son snoring and the dog smacking his filthy lips.  I am one lucky fella.  Morning would not come soon enough.


The Four Webbs said...

Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles hanging wall paper. Thanks, brother. I needed a laugh. although i feel bad it came at the expense of your decorating attempt. Good luck rectifying the situation. I hear wallpaper paste is less fun taking off than putting on. :)

MusicMom said...

Tell me you didn't move to France just to start rockin' the skinny jean. Cody mourns your loss of manliness. I applaud your ability to embrace your feminine side. Good for you.

R said...

At 100+ Euro for a pair of Levis, I decided to take my chances with the slim fits.