Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 60

Double Dutch without a rope and the return of Smokey the Maintenance Man.

This was a busy day.  Started early with my wife pulling out of Dodge on another marathon business trip to Budapest.  No worries though, I had to be up early anyway, cause Smokey was gonna return to fix my broken toilet and apparently paint an exterior wall by the pool.  Still not sure the purspose in this, but apparently the landlady had commissioned him for this work, so he would be completing this after he fixed the loo.  Our babysitter was due to arrive not long after Smokey as this would be the morning for my first formal French Lesson.

With children in capable hands and ole Smokey puttering away on the pipes, I jumped the bus for the city center.  The day hadn't quite gotten hot yet, so the bus ride was  not as fragrant as it usually is.  It was quite crowded though.  I had to stand for most of the ride, which isn't necessarily a problem unless you happen to have to stand in the center section where the "accordian" resides.  You have to maintain keen ballance or else you will continually find your but cheek pinched as the bus pitches itself around a tight corner.  With a sore cheek I was glad to see my stop approaching.  A short walk would finish my journey and I would be greeted by some very pleasant folks and wisked to my classroom for my semi-private lesson.  I am supposed to be in group lessons, but they don't start until later in the summer, so in an effort to get me started earlier than that, I will be crashing someone elses private lessons for awhile.  He is a nice Korean gentleman whose kids just started at the same school attended by my lads.  The lesson went well and I was pleased at the amount that I had retained from my self studies with Rosetta Stone.  I was even more pleased by the teaching method as it is already starting to click a bit more in my tired old brain.

The lesson flowed along and our two hours was up in no time.  In fact only one break was given and that was so the Korean fella could partake in a quick Kool King Menthol.  There is probably a funny joke in there somewhere, but I am too tired at the moment to dazzle you with any of remnant of my wit.  Anyhow, there would be no coffee in the Centre Ville this morning because I was on a time schedule.  Our afternoon dance card had already filled and we were expected at the home of one of my youngest's new friends for a short play date. 

My youngest's new friend is a Dutch boy who is the eldest of two.  My two boys and I hopped in the 206, which I was concerned might not start as it had not been driven in quite some time, and made our way to our appointment.  I was concerned that my eldest would be bored stiff with this endeavor as this was really a preschool endeavor and I doubted that he wanted to hang out with us two "moms" while we chatted about childcare and the knitting.  Fortunately, their backyard was equipped with a trampoline and the eldest is never one to shy away from airborne antics.  The three boys played nicely for a bit.  Their youngest is still a toddler and not quite ready for the level of play the other three were capable of.  Unfortunately all good things come to an end and soon the two preschoolers were cross ways of each other.  A wicked trampoline collision started the feud and it sort of escalated from there.  After a few attempts to work things out, I decided not to overstay my welcome and gathered my brood to head back home.  With the exception of a bit of tension caused by competing preschool interests, the afternoon was pleasant and good for all boys involved.  This is our youngest's first "friend" of his own, so we are going to do what we can to foster this growing kinship.

So, at the end of the day, we have added Dutch to our cultural belt.  Very nice folks with a straight forward demeanor.  Very direct in their manner and very open with their opinion.  That was my experience for the day.  I don't want to generalize any culture, but this did seem a sharp contrast to the French way and I left wondering how they felt the fit into their new landscape.  Perhaps as I get to know them better I will simply ask.  So, another fun filled day in the books and I have to say that my ass could use a nap.