Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 42

What boot straps are made for.

It has been a very long week and Jack is very tired, so tonight's post is likely to have all the literary pizzaz of a milkdud.  That being said, I will give it my best.  After a week of heartache, it was time to pull ourselves back up by our boot straps and dust our pants off for one more go round.  Today would be another adventure into the French health care system.  We had to have yet another physical in order to finalize our Visas.  This exam would prove to be somewhat less thorough than our last, but once again we did come away with a nice set of chest xrays.  That is the second set inside of six months if you are keeping count.  Once again, the xrays were taken, developed and reviewed by a doc inside of an hour for both my wife and I.  Our health care system is broken folks.  We need to get with this program.  Did I mention it was free?  You want to know the most amazing part?  When we made the rendezvous, they actually told us that the appointment would take and hour and guess what . . . we were finished and out the door in EXACTLY one hour.

With the health check complete, it was time to make the daily run to pick up the children.  Houston, we have a problem.  Upon reving up the ole 206, I notice that we were one or two passengers heavy.  My beloved 206 is now quite infested with ants.  Not one or two, but a colony.  I have dealt with a number of automotive maladies over the years, but an ant infestation is a new one on me.  I haven't figured out a cure yet, but I told my wife that it isn't surprising that they are attracted to my little 206 cause like honey on a picnic table, she is one SWEET ride.  She didn't even crack a smile.

The remainder of the day was spent in pursuit of a new bicycle.  We went by a bike shop or two and tested out the local sporting goods superstore.  A pleasant evening of retail therapy always lightens the mood.  This day also marks the beginning of the weekend, so moods had already been lifted to some degree.  The weekend brings with it a busy social schedule.  We will be attending a dinner and hosting one as well.  Wish us luck.  Our French cooking skills are not yet up to par and this is further complicated that one of our guests only eats fish.  Hmmm, guess good ole KC BBQ is out!  It should be a very enjoyable weekend indeed and we will have plenty of stories to share come Monday.  For now we will leave this week on a higher note than it started and promise that once my engergy level returns to normal I will share with you the remaining stories of the week.  Until then . . .