Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 53

Too Fat, Too Furious

The sun returned to our lives today and I was glad for its visit.  It was time to get the boys out of the house, so first thing we ran to the local supercenter for some pool supplies.  After a test of the pool water it was evident that we needed to increase the PH level and I was certain that the megamarket would have just what we needed.  They did . . . I think.  Again, my meager command of the language had me purchasing blindly.  I am pretty sure I bought PH plus, but who knows.  On our way back from the store I ran across Benji's assailant.  This time I gave chase.  You know, for a fat guy on a bicycle, the dude can fly.  In a blur of blubber and spandex he was gone.  Chunky fellas really shouldn't wear bike shorts.  They just don't leave much to the imagination and his hairy crack was almost reason enough to give up the chase.  With ninja like dexterity, he whipped down a side street and I lost him.  The white whale evaded me again, but don't worry Benji, I won't give up.

After the chase we returned to the house for a quick lunch.  While at the house I checked the mail and my heart dropped.  Apparently while I was busy chasing the fat man through the streets of our fair city, my bicycle was delivered but I was not here to take possession.  Certainly a downer, but the boys and I had a wonderful afternoon planned so I would not let this marsh my mellow.  After lunch we caught the bus and I exposed the boys to the fragrant pulse of the city.  With weather warming, the lack of personal hygene is a bit more apparent when opting for public transit.  Once in the Centre Ville we would make our way to the water front and do a bit of skateboarding.  The sunny afternoon was spent with my guys skating and mulling over the finer points of life.  It is times like these that I would like to give thanks to my wife for allowing me the opportunity to take up my post as Mr. Mom.  Afternoons like these will permanently etch themselves in my memory and will always bring a smile to my face upon fast reflection.  We ended up over staying our welcome a bit and the youngest crashed hard in my arms on our way back to the bus stop.  The temperature had increased just enough to have me sweating like a whore in church under the dead weight of his slumbering body.  Fortunately, the stench on the bus was massive enough to hide any odor I may have been putting forth.

Back at the house, I swapped my pants for shorts and went about taking care of some domestic matters while the boys filled their depressions in the sofa cushions for a bit of video game madness.  The eye hand cordination of these two hooligans is nothing short of amazing.  I went about sweeping up the never ending supply of dog hair around our spread (STUPID DOG) while they went about killing zombies.  Not a bad way to wrap up the afternoon, although, I would have preferred them to clean up after the dog while I blew zombie chunks all over creation.  Oh well, such is life.  On a bright note, Mom will be returning from Madrid this evening for a short layover just prior to her next trip.  Budapest I think it will be.  Somewhere along in here we are going to try and hit the Pyrenees for a bit of camping.  I will of course be without internet access for a bit, so count on a short break in the posting.  In addition, tomorrow's post might not be all that dazzling, because I am not leaving this damned house until my bike is delivered.  Keep your fingers crossed.  Until tomorrow.