Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 64

A wolf in sheeps clothing.

It was retail therapy redux for Saturday.  Up at a reasonable hour, we hit the mall for some new rags cause pappa needs a new wardrobe.  Just about everything in my closet is now too large for my diminishing frame.  Even though, I would consider myself fairly thin by American standards, I was a bit nervous when stepping into the dressing room since their clothes are much more form fitting than our own.  I was pleasantly surprised that the items I had selected fit quite well and a few purchases were made.  Next it was off to the Swedish home goods empire for some cheap lighting fixtures.  Madame Chabou left us with some nice bare light bulbs that I have described in prior writings, and in some rooms, left us with no lighting at all.  We needed a new fixture for the hallway and a few lamps for around the house.  Since these items will stay in France when we make our next move, cheap was the name of the game.  The Swedish folks have that down to an art.  Affordable price with high style.  Simple and elegant, but not a budget buster.

Soon we had acquired a household worth of lighting and were headed home to finish out our day.  One of the fixtures was going to require some wiring and given my past near death experiences, I wasn't too excited to get started on the project.  My wife decided that since this was to be accomplished on a metal ladder that it would be best to shut down the electrical supply to the entire house.  Soon, and by the dim light of a transom window, the fixture was installed.  For once, I had accomplished a task involving electricity that didn't involve me using my body as a lightening rod.

The intent for the afternoon was to take another trip out via bicycle, however a long afternoon nap for the youngest and a relatively strong rain shower kept us huddled indoors.  We have really enjoyed very pleasant but very dry weather since spring has arrived, so our plantings were pleased to see the rain.  Soon, our social card would fill for the weekend and for once Mom would get to come along for the ride.  Easter Sunday would be spent at the river front with dear friends.  We would look forward to the following day and the fun that it would surely bring.  It was quite late by the time I coaxed the youngest into his bunk, but I was determined to make good on a promise to the eldest to stay up a bit later than usual to play video games with him.  With mom and the youngest in bed, late weekend nights are the only time the eldest and I get to reconnect.  Being very like minded and best friends from the day of his birth, we have always enjoyed each others company and can tell when it is time to rekindle that bond.  It is weird and unspoken connection he and I have and it seems that we each know when it is time to find our way free of mom and brother for a little father and son time.  At last check, the clock read . . . well, it read "tomorrow" is what it read and we knew then that it was time for bed.  Off to sleep, I was plagued with bizarre dreams and a restless night.

The youngest is going through some growing pains at the moment and it is causing a fair amount of stress for everyone in the family.  Perhaps he too feels the stress of the relocation, or it is the lingering pains of the terrible twos, or maybe it is having a long distance relationship with his mom that has turned his world upside down.  I suspect it is a combination of all of the above and we are still scratching our parental heads as to how to deal with it.  Unfortunately, these guys don't come with a users manual.  For now we will just be steady and try to ride out the storm.