Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 67

What day is it?

The past few days have been a blur of child care and French education.  I realized that it is now Thursday and I haven't written a damned thing over the past two days.  I have become quite addicted to the medicinal qualities that writing this blog provides.  Tuesday was the first day back for the boys after a long Easter break and would be the first day that all three of us would have to pack a backpack for school.  The logistics of dropping these guys off and school and then getting downtown for my French classes has become quite an adventure indeed.  I decided that I would drive the boys in and park the car for the morning near their school.  After seeing them into the school house, I beat the streets by foot to the center of town to arrive at my lesson just in the nick of time.   The class would be a solo affair as the Korean gentleman pulled a no show.  Two hours of individual attention is exhausting.  After the lesson, it was right back to the streets for the half hour walk back to pick up the youngest and shuttle him back home in the 206 which had thankfully not been towed away.

By this time I was completely exhausted and did my best to remain semi-consious until it was time to pick up the eldest.  The remainder of the day was completely shot.  I was tired and I didn't accomplish another single thing.  Late nights and a demanding curriculum take its toll on an old man.  I can't party all night and then attend class all day like in the good old days.  My hope was that a good night's sleep might make a world of difference.  Unfortunately, once again I stayed up well past a reasonable hour and the following day would prove to be another sleep deprived struggle.