Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 68

The morning of Day 68 would see mom back on the road and off to Milan, Italy for a day or two.  I would stay my post and add a member to my watch.  As a favor to the Australian physicist's wife,Ii agreed to watch their son for the day while she was on a trip to Paris.  After dropping off my eldest, I picked up the young australian boy and brought him back to the house for a day of play with my youngest.  It proved to be a VERY long afternoon of Scooby Doo and varying other kid type activities that my weary soul found exhausting.  The aussie lad is as wild as a march hare and spent a fair amount of time removing his fingers from his nose to place them promptly in his mouth.  God I love children.  The two young boys played fairly well together.  No major battles, just a mild fire fight or two.

When the eldest returned from school, his barometric pressure was not one that would allow him to warm to the idea of preschool antics.  He stayed to himself for the most part and avoided the whole scene to the best of his ability.  I believe he finished yet another book in his collection.  Seems he knocks out a book every day or two, so I won't complain that his time wasn't well spent.  We finally bid farewell to our guest at around 4 and spent the rest of the evening in recovery mode.  I was fortunate enough to have a cooperative crew and bath time led straight to bedtime.  I crashed hard knowing that the next day would require more of the mental energy that I am so desperately lacking from poor sleeping habits.

I am sorry to keep these last few posts so short and to the point, but life has turned quite busy with the warm weather and I barely have the time to keep myself fed let alone write a dissertation about the days events.  Now that I am close to caught up with life and with my writing, I promise to be a bit more descriptive as there is much to share, but currently not enough time to share it.