Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 122

Bonne Fete du Pere . . . "what one man can do, another man can do"

Happy Fathers Day to all.  When asked how I wanted to spend Father's Day, my response was simple . . . SLEEP.  The family indulged and allowed the old man to sleep in past the usual waking hour around our house.  Not wanting to take advantage and drive my wife crazy I didn't over indulge.  The children decided to thank their father for being such a wonderful guy by being as poorly behaved as I believe they have ever been since they have been born.  By the time the day concluded . . . quite late in the evening, I was considering ways in which I could insure that I would not have to celebrate Father's Day next year . . . or ever again.  I certainly didn't want to claim either of the two of them as my own.  I threatened to send them back to stay with their "real" father back in the States.  I know he is likely busy with his postal route, but he is going to have to step up and start fathering these two mongrels.

The day was spent at home which didn't seem to help the already cagey demeanor of our youngsters.  We laid low and didn't really do a damned thing.  I can't say however, that this was particularly restful.  The stress that our two home bound hoodlums put on their mother and father had our souls aching a bit for the effort.  We did survive and did our best to recover for the week to come.  Regardless of the outcome of the weekend or the fact that things didn't go exactly according to plan, I wasn't put off of my game.  I live my life by one simple rule . . . "what one man can do, another man can do".  Regardless of what I must endure or what challenges are placed in my way, I remain confident that if it is humanly possible to accomplish the task, I too am capable of accomplishing it.  I recite this mantra to myself every morning when I awake and every evening when I shut my eyes and go to sleep.  I believe this to be true of us all.  What one individual can do, another individual can do.  I have taught my children that this is their baseline in life which means that they are free to dream big and achieve big.  Greatness is found in those accomplishment that no other man can claim.  These are the things to strive for.  These are the details worth sweating.  The rest is all small stuff that everyone must endure.

That is all I have for day 122.  I will catch up with you all one last time this evening if you are willing to read on.  Take care for now . . . R.