Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 109

Back up to date.

Well, Day 109 finds me a bit sorrowful.  After a short trip to the airport this morning, I bid my remaining house guests a fond farewell and once again, we are the only hillbillies left in the land of frogs.  I am sad and relieved all at once.  Truth be told, my liver could use a bit of a break.  I have consumed enough wine over the past week to float a battleship.  Pair that with the banquets of rich food and I find my body begging for mercy.  Time to get back to my usual monastic routine of bread and water.  Despite the feeling of loss, I find myself in a very good mood today.  I would have imagined depression would set in for a day or two that would lead to a bit of homesickness.  That couldn't be further from the truth.  Could be that I am still a bit drunk, or that I am content in the knowledge that this crew will certainly visit again before our time here is done.

Some good news came through the wire this morning.  Madam Chabou rented the reform school for girls and it does not appear that we will have to pay double rent as we had originally thought.  We  now have less than a month to pack up all of our shit and get the hell out of Dodge.  When the destination is as majestic as our new home has proven to be, it is difficult to complain too much about the move.  Once again, it is better to be lucky than good.  I managed to replace the front door lock without incident and we are now completely finished with all renovation projects that we had started on this dump nearly 4 months ago.  The next month or so will be survived at a break neck pace and I doubt that I will have enough energy at the end of the day to make these posts even relatively coherent.  For now, spirits are high and we look forward to the adventure.  July 1 will be a big day indeed.  The final day for the boys at the International School, moving day, and my 11th wedding anniversary.  Dear god, has it really been that long?  The fact that my wife has put up with me for this long is proof of her resolve and unending patience.  I sure hope my looks hold, cause this trophy husband gig is hard work.

That's right, "Trophy Husband".  Everyday when I see her off to work with a kiss, I stop by the mirror and give myself a wink and pretend shot with an imaginary gun.  "You dog" I mutter.  You see, I don't have a job, I am not terribly smart and she doesn't think I am funny . . . so I must be good looking.  RIGHT?  That is what I tell myself, and I am sticking with it.  I am still working on longevity.  The last thing I need is to go from "Trophy Husband" to "Starter Husband".  That is a transition that no guy in my position wants to make.  I figure I have 10 more good years in me and between now and then I will have to figure out some other reason for her to keep me around.

The day has been quiet and uneventful with one exception.  I have seen some strange behavior since I have been here . . . unashamed nose picking, fat guys in spandex with teddy bear fetishes and smelly maintenance men carrying on lengthy conversations with invisible assistants, but today tops them all.  As I mentioned, while living at the hotel, I was not all that jazzed with dog poop duty.  Picking up a steaming pile in a little baggy is not my idea of a good time.  STUPID DOG.  Today, however, I was humbled.  A gentleman walking his dog near my children's school put me to shame.  When his beagle mixed pooch took a dump, he didn't hesitate in picking it up with his bare hands and proceeded to set it ablaze with his Bic lighter.  I nearly vomited all over the 206 when the smell of burning dung wafted my way.  Along he walked holding his burning treasure between thumb and forefinger as if this was an everyday activity.  I am starting to understand the whole two kisses greeting.  Don't nobody want to shake this dude's hand.

I think I will stick with the little baggies when needed and will not complain in the future.  That about sums up the day and brings us back up to date.  Once again we will take it a day at a time and I will share with you the days events as they unfold.  Take care and we will speak again tomorrow.