Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 105 and 106

No words for a blind man . . .

There is a story behind the title, but in order to protect the innocent, we will leave it for those that were here to witness it.  I can only tell you this, it seems to be well documented fact that nobody speaks to a blind man.  At least not one that is carrying a Braille book beneath his arm.  "I can't hear you man, can't you see I'm blind!"  This week's musical selection is for those in the know.  ENJOY!

Day 105 would have the fam adventuring further into wine country.  We had a trip planned to a fairly well traveled tourist destination.  Ordinarily I would tend to stay away from such destinations, but this particular village is important to the area for its wine making and historical significance.  In addition, the village is picturesque and a nice place to pick up a gift or two for the folks back home.  I myself didn't have anyone to buy for except for my lovely wife.  I picked up a necklace that she had been eyeballing in a shop and surprised her with it at lunch.  The reception was somewhat less than warm.  She summarily dismissed the item and threw the package on the table, demanding that I return it.  Wasn't exactly the reaction I was going for!  Sometimes shit just doesn't work out like you plan.  The only organized activity we had planned for the day was a tour of a monolithic church that was somewhat spoiled by a British prick that decided this was the forum to express his dislike for Americans.  We decided that, given the anti-American sentiment and generally rude company we were keeping, we would break the rules and slip off the back of the tour group to explore a bit for ourselves.  We quickly realized that this was a mistake as there appeared to be but one exit and the door would have to be opened with a key.

Fortunately, after passing a bit of time alone in the cave, we tagged onto the back of a French speaking tour and did our best to blend.  As we exited the church, the French tour guide bid everyone farewell, one by one.  I couldn't help but laugh at the guide's reaction to our farewell given the fact that she had never seen us before.    We spent the remainder of the afternoon milling about town and finally settled in for an ice cream just prior to our departure.  We returned home to enjoy dinner and several bottles of the local red which has now become our routine.  Day 105 would soon bleed into day 106 and a wine buzz would quicken our descent into slumber.

Day 106 would be another trek to a tourist hot spot.  A coastal attraction this time.  Pilgrims as far as the eye could see, but an opportunity to take the youngest for a swim and unfortunately for the rest of us, a opportunity for a bit of a hike.  Scrambling up a near vertical sand dune is indeed a bit of a workout.  Doing so under the additional weight of a preschooler is a form of medieval torture.  Trying my best to stay cool under fire, I plodded along step by step.  My wife fortunately took mercy on me and carried him the last 100 yards or so to the top.  What is a grueling climb up is a hell of a good time upon rapid descent, unless of course you take a face plant in the sand at about Mach 2.  My youngest son will certainly attest to this fact.  I imagine we will be picking sand out of teeth for next week or so.

Upon reaching the bottom, some of us in a more unceremonious manner than others, we decided it would be a good idea to rinse the grit from our mouthes with a bit of refreshment.  A cone or two of ice cream would do the trick.  A pleasant adventure until the gypsy son of a bitch running this concession stand tried to rip of my wife be giving her the incorrect change.  This unfortunately is not an uncommon practice at tourist destinations across Europe.  I can't imagine how they get away with this at all.  As if the average tourist is so stupid that they can't count.  Either way, my wife caught to f_ _ _er and set him straight.  Soon we were back in the saddle to make the rush hour march back home.  Traffic was slow, but entertaining conversation helped time speed by.  Soon we had all resumed our post around the patio table to consume our usual bottle or two before bed.  A good couple of days despite the fairly touristy destinations.  I will round things out a bit tomorrow with the final two days" in country" with my family.  I will be sad to see them go.