Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 13

Part Two . . .

Today was a better morning at the red doored school house.  Despite an early insistance that he had "quit" school, I coaxed my little one into the class room and abandoned ship with less fuss than the prior two days.  At this point, I will take any progress I can get.  Took my usual trip back to the hotel cursing at the ground and waiving at the bats . . . empty stroller . . . still getting looks.  Cold again this morning, but the Sun made a rare appearance and hung with us for the remainder of the day.  It was a welcome sight as I think the facial tick that I now have is an early warning sign of seasonal affective disorder.  It is that or the fit that I have been throwing to take notice away from the empty stroller is starting to make itself permanent.  Maybe mom was right . . . if I keep my eyes crossed that way, it really will stick.  The morning was the usual short lived childless bliss.  Ran to pick up a bit of dry cleaning and to see about finding a new way to cut my hair.  Now, there must be well over 100 machines available at the shops to shave your face, but only one to cut your hair.  It's a Flowbe, I think.  It will have to do or I am going to start looking like a less glamorous version of Fabio.  Maybe the cover model of a smut book based in a trailer park rather than a southern plantation.

Took my usual 800 trips back and forth to school and I have decided that the shin splints may get me before the torn ACL.  Now a days I spend a fair amount of my time waiting outside of the school house chatting with the other "moms".  They all refer to me as a "house husband".  I am going to be honest, I am not in love with that title.  The position is great, but I am working on a title with a little more pizzaz . . . something like  Domestic Beefcake, or maybe House Stud.  So far the French Moms have paid me no mind, but the Aussies and Brits have been very kind and welcoming.  My addaptation to the language is coming along relatively well and I feel more and more comfortable with it every day.  The wind was taken out of my sails a bit this evening when I asked a clerk where the bathroom was and she looked at me like I had three heads . . . Do I offend?  The eldest boy had another stellar day at school and got a "credit" in his assignment book for his fine work with the French language.

Things were going so well, I thought it might be time to crack the lid on this whole French cooking thing.  Took a shot at the main course we enjoyed with our friends from the north.  A noodle affair with dried tomatoes and a rather unique shredded cheese.  Had polished off our last baguette earlier in the day and wine was out of the question as we had errands to run immediately after.  This was a quick and dirty version of the feast we had enjoyed, but I am pleased to report that it was a hit and so far nobody has errupted into explosive diarrhea.  I consider that a success.  I had planned a nice mint ice cream for desert, but my wife was delayed enough from work, we didn't have time for the desert course.  I did whip together a little appetizer consisting primarily of my new favorite "Comte" cheese.  My wife says I can't describe what it smells like, but it tastes fantastic.  If you really want to know about the smell and aren't easily offended, send me an email and I will describe it for you.

Regardless of what today could have thrown at me, nothing could marsh my mellow, because tomorrow I received my "super mini" with the lion badge.  I feel like a teenage boy who just received his driver's license.  I am thinking about popping off the hub caps and searching out the local drag spot.  Who knows, maybe another movie roll . . . Too Slow, Too Serious?  Sounds kind of catchy if you ask me.  Maybe if the new flowbe doesn't work out, I will grow out my mane to match my car, grow a thick moustache and pitch my idea to the networks.  Sort of a hillbilly Magnum PI moves to Europe thing?  I gotta find a dude that can fly a helicopter though.  If you ask me, TC was the real star of the show.

As you already know, tomorrow promises to be a big day on many fronts.  We take possession of both vehicles and the house of Madame Chabou's dreams.  In anticipation of the big day, we had to run to the French Walmart (Auchan) for some essentials.  Airbeds, sheets, towels etc.  The essentials, plus one French X Box and a new big screen TV.  You see, it took months of begging to free up a big screen TV out of my American wife, but my French wife was more than willing to make the purchase.  God I love this Country!  We are all very excited to get settled and start really digging our heels in.  So far we have sort of been living "on" France rather than living "in" it.  We have been surviving, not really making an impression.  Just shadows passing in the night, ghosts that are seen but not seen, simply bystanders that have been allowed a ticket in but have not yet been accepted to the VIP room.  That is all about to change.  It is time to lay down some roots.  Get connected.  Find some favorite spots and drink some wine.  Become residents not just wandering tourists.  Wish us luck.


Jim said...

Best post so far. Go on, let your hair grow Monsieur Ryanne. You're not in Kansas any more Dorothy! For my part, I intend to be in full mane by late May.

Guy said...

Compte is definitely my favorite cheese!!!! And it can't smell that bad, its not one of the lovely soft 'earthy' cheeses of France;-)