Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 23

A day late and a dollar short.

Since yesterday evening went to hell in a hand basket, I did not have a chance to complete my daily entry.  Mom's triumphant return from parts unknown was certainly the highlight of the day.  I imagine she was somewhat disappointed with her greeting as the eldest was on the back end of a very long nap and the youngest was predictably coming down with the plague.  When the youngest awoke from his afternoon slumber, the fever was apparent.  It was obvious now that the puke fest of the prior evening was just round one and that we were in for a 15 rounder.  The remainder of the evening was spent soothing his needful condition and coaxing the not so tired 8 year old back to bed.  Welcome home babe! 

The wife did bring with her a welcome surprise . . . a bucket of the Colonel's finest.  Turns out there is absolutely no difference in the KFC here when compared with that which is found in the States.  Guess that's why they call it the Original recipe.  If it ain't broke, don't fix it.  Besides, chicken is natures universal flavor, right?  How many times have you seen this scenario play out . . . some heavily bearded survivalist finds his way to the Discovery Channel by displaying his zest for the consumption of dung beetles all the while lying to the viewing public how "it tastes just like chicken".  So honestly, how bad could they really screw it up.  After all, if the French version of KFC actually tasted like a dung beetle, apparently it would still taste like Chicken and I wouldn't be the wiser.  It's a win/win situation.

Other than my wife's return with a piping hot bucket o' chicken, the day was the usual Sunday affair.  Quiet and restful.  Just the way we like it.  We ran a couple of errands, but nothing earth shattering.  We would soon be on the eve of our final transition into our new home and we were happy to keep the day low key as the next several promise to be relatively hectic.  At this point, we are just hoping that the attrition rate of the youngest's flu bug remains low and that the rest of us remain healthy since we are going to need our energy for the days to come.  The wife passed out with ease as a result of some considerable jet lag and I eventually outlasted the eldest boy and was finally able to get some much needed sleep.  The rest would be short lived as the usual middle of the night treatments of ibuprofin began not long after my weary eyes closed for the evening.  For those that have children, I am sure the scene is familiar.  A wimper and a cry, a hot touch to the forehead and a cup full of yummy grape flavored elixer.  Back to sleep and up again to repeat.  Makes for a long night and a very early morning.

Perhaps tomorrow would bring a better day . . .