Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 95

Just call me "Wonderman".

I find that having superheroes on your underpants gives you a renewed sense of vigor and self worth.  It bolsters your fortitude and provides you with the self confidence necessary to take on the world.  I needed that on Day 95.  The plan was simple.  Arrive at the Prefecture 20 to 30 minutes prior to opening to ensure I was the first in line to conduct business at 8:30.  This would clearly make it possible for me to then make it to my French lesson that begins at 9:00.  Upon my arrival, I found my superman cape torn to shreds as a line had already formed and reached half way around the block.  Needless to say, I did not make it to my French lesson.  SHIT.  With my morning already shot and my tail between my legs, I took my medicine and finished up the paperwork for the eldest son's trip to Wales.  I returned to the school house in just enough time to pick up the youngest at 12:00.  I provided the newly acquired paperwork to the school and breathed a sigh of relief when they confirmed that we were now good to go.

Emotiofnally and mentally drained, I returned home with the youngest.  A quick bite to eat led to a nap for all.  I would not have the usual afternoon interruption of picking up the eldest as he would be spending the evening with a friend.  I know, I know . . . a sleepover on a school night?  That tells you just how unchallenging my eldest finds his new eductational experience and re-affirms the decision to switch schools come the fall semester.  With only one child at home, we prayed for a quiet evening.  Fortunately we had one . . . a LONG one.  Perhaps in a reaction to his older brother's absence, the youngest simply would not go to sleep.  Up every two seconds for some manipulative power play, we battled well into the wee hours of the morning.  I would finally win out, but it came at a price.  I had perhaps won the battled, but I had lost the war.  I am now quite exhausted and find myself much too busy to rest.  That, my friends, is the recipe for disaster.  I rather imagine that soon enough I will be ill with a summer cold.

This is the worst type of illness in my humble opinion.  Everything in your soul says you want to be outside enjoying the weather, but everything in your body says you need to keep your ass in bed.  So far, I feel fine and will keep my fingers crossed that a power load of orange juice will be enough to stave off any potential illness coming my way.  Since I haven't posted a musical selection in a couple of days, I am going to update them and get back to my roots a bit.  Home you enjoy.  Until tomorrow.